Swimm AI beta

Your code documentation superpower

Create doc
With Swimm AI, enjoy an interactive document creation experience, one which generates and suggests doc structures based on your code’s context
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Generate code
Use /generate to effortlessly add code explanations to your docs, enhancing understanding and collaboration.
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Enhance document
Use Swimm AI to set up doc visibility rules based on use cases, ensuring that relevant code knowledge appears before mistakes are made.
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Start documenting
from a PR
Make documentation a natural part of your team’s workflow. Swimm AI analyzes PRs, generating documentation that tells a cohesive story of the changes made to your code.
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Security Icon

Secure from scratch

Your docs and code remain encrypted and secure according to our standard security & privacy policy. The data sent to OpenAI is not used to train or improve OpenAI’s model, though may be retained for a limited time. Learn more in Azure OpenAI’s data usage policy.

More than just
a chatbot

No Blank icon
No more blank
Swimm AI generates docs the moment you need them, without the hassle.
The Knowladge icon
The knowledge
you need – found
Spend time coding, not looking for answers. Ensure your team will never make the same mistake twice, ever again.
Generate Speed icon
== speed
Eliminate the need for writing in-depth explanations of developer knowledge. Generate explanations of code snippets, effortlessly.